Welcome to JTC Inc.

Chaps: because if they had an ass, they'd just be called pants.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Flogging A Dead Horse

After what can only be described as an overwhelming response to Wednesday's e-mail exchange post, I decided to show the creativity of a manufactured pop-star, and just do it again.

The topic of today's exchange was a lunch reservation that CoCo made for the JTC Board and our graphophobic stenographer for February 27th.

One thing to note here: between my apparent disdain evident below for this "culture differences" workshop, and Wednesday's comment about migrant farm workers, the thought occurs that I may be starting to look like a big, big racist. Rest assured that I love everyone from all backgrounds and ethnicities. Except for the fucking Dutch.

On with the show:

From: JohnnyM
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:21 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

Dude! On Friday, February 27th, we’re in that fucking “cultural differences” workshop until noon. Looks like we’ll have to leave for an important meeting around 11:20…

Sit near the door,
Johnny M


From: CoCo
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:23 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

Dude! I totally saw that before I booked and thought “The restaurant only has 11:30 available, eh? Well, I really want to go to lunch on Friday at 11:30, but that would conflict with the last half hour of a cultural differences workshop. What should I do?”

It was a really tough decision. Really tough.

Yeah – we both have an 11:30 meeting if for some reason we can’t just get up and leave without needing to say anything.


From: JohnnyM
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:25 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

I can’t believe you just arbitrarily decided that I was going to miss the last 30 minutes of what will likely be a terrific workshop without even asking me!

Great decision,
Johnny M

From: CoCo
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:26 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

In a fast-paced business like JTC, we need quick and decisive action or we simply won’t be competitive.

We also need some fucking blog posts,

From: JohnnyM
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:27 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

I totally agree.

Competitive with who?,
Johnny M

From: CoCo
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:27 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

Others in the same business as us.


From: JohnnyM
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:28 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

Right – of course. Two minor follow-up questions:

1) What business is that?
2) Who else is in it?
Johnny M

From: CoCo
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:29 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Winterlicious

1) The business we work towards every day with the expert staff at JTC.
2) All of JTC’s competitors.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why We Haven't Posted Anything In Almost A Month

CoCo and I were emailing each other today about some upcoming concerts here in Toronto, includuing one involving the band, "Los Campesinos!" The following email trail followed, which I think sums up our work ethic (or lack thereof). Two things to note:

1) Check out the time stamps on these emails - we're really working our asses off over here.
2) My apologies to any migrant farm workers

Here you go:

From: JohnnyM
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:34 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Concerts

Yeah - Los Campesinos! are pretty good. Strangely, they appear to be an indie/punk outfit from Wales, as opposed to migrant farm workers.



From: CoCo
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:36 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Concerts

Yeah – lots of bands these days have what you would expect to be descriptive names about their origins, but are not even close – a lot to do with Canada (“Of Montreal”, from Georgia, and “Boards of Canada”, from Scotland). That would be a good blog entry – guess the band’s origin with multiple choice.



From: JohnnyM
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:39 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Concerts

We have a blog?



From: CoCo
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:40 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Concerts

If we did, that would be a hell of an entry.



From: JohnnyM
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:41 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Concerts

Action items:

1. Write this proposed article – CoCo
2. Find this theoretical blog – JohnnyM


From: CoCo
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:42 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Concerts

Great summary. One change: switch the accountabilities.



From: JohnnyM
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:42 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Concerts

Agreed – we’ll switch things up so that I find the blog, and you write the article.



From: CoCo
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:43 PM
To: JohnnyM
Subject: RE: Concerts

You’ve got it – one more tweak to the plan (you writing the article, me finding the blog), and I think we’re there.



From: JohnnyM
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:45 PM
To: CoCo
Subject: RE: Concerts

Right on. I’ve incorporated your feedback, and re-written the plan:

1. Write this proposed article – CoCo
2. Find this theoretical blog – JohnnyM



From: CoCo
To: JohnnyM
Sent: Feb 11, 2009 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: Concerts

Job well done! Your re-write is excellent, and will be further enhanced by your solid plan to assign all accountabilities to “JohnnyM”. I can’t wait to see the finished product. Making incredible progress like this in such a short time is really what differentiates JTC from our competitors.